We all could use the excuse that we don't have time to exercise or eat right because we have such busy lives. There's work, family, school, grocery shopping, friends, parties, and anything else that runs us ragged throughout the week. But we're missing one of the most important things... a way to get you through that hectic schedule. You need to help yourself by doing something that keeps you on this earth in a body that feels good. So stop with "I don't have time to... [insert something good for you here]" and make some time!
Because ultimately all that is excuse is going to add up to is an explanation for why we are unhappy with our bodies, and most importantly, why we are unhappy with our health.I was told by my yoga instructor to think about life as a measure of breathes instead of a measure of minutes. When you think about all of the rushing around we do everyday, we use a lot of shorts breathes. Honestly, take a moment and think back to the last time you quieted your mind and body and simply took a deep breathe. Do it right now. Pause, look up from your computer or phone, and just breathe. Inhale.... Exhale....
Notice how you feel.. how stress wants to escape.. how your mind clears. Now think if you did this once a day how it might make you feel better. Even if the good feelings only last for a second, the second of peace is worth it.
Going through life trying to do it all without taking moments to relax and more simply, take a deep breath, takes its toll on the mind and the body. If all we do is use up all of the short breathes in our lifetime, we are going at a pace that is unsustainable. It's like asking a car to run on soda instead of oil. Without slowing down and giving your body what it needs, you will end up burning out. But if you take slow breathes, if you're calm and relaxed and take time to enjoy your life, you will give yourself the opportunity for something better.
So I challenge you to attempt to do three things for yourself everyday that get you to a healthier lifestyle.Do one thing in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one at night. It can be something big or something incredibly small. Just know that you made a conscious effort to improve your life in that moment. Everyone has to start somewhere, and hopefully by bringing awareness to your lifestyle in small changes, you will end up impacting your life in a largely positive way.
The things you can do are as easy as making a healthy breakfast, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and dancing around your house for five minutes to get your heart rate up when you get home from work. When you add up all the little things at the end of the day, that's what matters. No goal is achieved with one end-all, be-all "quick fix". In reality, it's all the little steps you take to get there that matter.
Movement of your body, mindfulness of stress, and better food choices will make a huge difference to the way you live your life. So remember, the message is to breathe. Find three moments in a whole entire day to do something good for yourself and enjoy the peace you find within that second :)
Things you can do:
- pause in the afternoon and take a few deep breathes to relive stress and tension i
- pack a healthy lunch instead of buying fast food
- switch sugary cereal for homemade oatmeal
- skip the donut in the office workroom
- take the stairs instead of the elevator
- take the dog for a longer walk
- stretch when you wake up or before bed
And if you don't get the three things done... it's okay! The goal is to challenge yourself. The more awareness you can bring towards positive change, the easier the change will be.
Peace and well-wishes,
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