About the Bee

My name is Breana,
I am the Balanced Bee.

Check out why I am called the Balanced Bee here

I am not a certified nutritionist, but I would love to share with you my experience in building a healthy lifestyle, promoting self-love, and gaining self-acceptance.

March 2015
What I Believe In:

I am a paleo-ish lover of real food. I'll eat pretty much anything as long as it is healthy by my standards.

Thanks to my mom I've always grown up by the saying "try it, and if you don't like you don't have to eat it". 

I am grateful to say that the philosophy has crossed over into other areas of my life, allowing me the opportunity to take on new experiences without holding back. 

You can check out more specific information on my diet from my "balanced health" posts here.

Starting My Journey:

Since the winter of 2013/2014 I've been consciously focusing on changing my lifestyle, and it's taken me through a pretty crazy cycle of self-discovery

Thankfully, I did not have to decide to change my life because of a medical issue. 

There are many people who's stories I have read that relate to overcoming allergies and disease. I sympathize with them greatly, and their struggles only make me want to promote public wellness even more. But, even if we have no medical reason to change, we can still all eat better and live healthier lifestyles.  

September 2014

Why I Decided to Make a Change:

That winter of 2013, the reason for changing my diet was purely self-absorbed. I wasn't happy. I didn't like the body I saw in the mirror, and I sure as heck didn't want my picture taken in a bikini. 

I was uncomfortable with myself. I didn't feel confident in my clothes, my skin was a mess, and I just didn't feel good.

 Like most college students, I just wanted to lose my extra weight, not really change my life. But I quickly realized losing weight was going to change my life.. and now looking back I realize it was going to change A LOT. It was hard at first, but what change isn't?

August 2012 - March 2015 

Leading By Example:

Real change is organic and has to come from personal choicePeople have to see progress for themselves to realize change is possible. I am proof that you don't have to stay stuck in a body or lifestyle that makes you unhappy. 

was a girl very uncomfortable in her own skin. But I worked hard. I figured out over time what I wanted (and that want still changes) and I did not give up on my goals. It turns out that listening to my body was the most important thing.

A path to self-love ultimately took me on a journey to self-empowerment:

I learned so much about myself once I focused on what was really important: not how I looked, but how I felt. Learning my body through experimenting with different styles of eating and fitness has changed my life in countless positive ways.

I am here to share my experience with you so that you can get on a path to self-love too. 

Thanks for reading, now let's get going! 


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