Start looking at the things you are putting in your mouth and ask yourself, "What is this doing for me?"
Start looking at the things you are putting in your mouth and ask yourself, "What is this doing for me?"
For a more specific list of "real foods" check out my posts here and here.
Just Eat Real Food
- What you eat should actually BEE food. It shouldn't resemble food, it shouldn't take the place of food, and surely shouldn't be a mystery as to what it is.
- Stop looking at food as part of a "diet" and start looking at it as nutrition. As soon as you change the perspective of your dinner plate, the idea around your what you eat starts to change with it.
- Food is fuel for your body (and I don't mean just by calorie). It's the vitamins and minerals - all the good micronutrients - along with the macronutrients you need to be strong and healthy. It's your life source.
1. Eat the right amount of carbohydrates for your goals, activity level, and body type -
- This does NOT imply you have to eat a low carb diet (although lowering your daily intake of carbohydrates may result in weight loss)
- Replace as much of the refined carbohydrates in your diet as possible with better choices - Most refined carbohydrates like pastas, breads, and baked desserts are usually highly processed and/or contain added sugars
- My main sources of carbohydrate are starches, vegetables, fruit, and some sprouted breads and gluten free grains like quinoa
2. Eat your vegetables -
- Vegetables fall into two primary categories: starchy and non-starchy
- Eat as many leafy greens as you like, and be sure to add in plenty of other non-starchy veggies too! These are high in vitamins and add bulk to your diet. They help keep you full and add flavor, volume, and variety to your meals.
- Steam, sauté, bake or roast them - the options are endless!
- Lean meat is a very important part of your diet. Chicken breast, turkey, lean beef, and seafood are great sources of protein.
- Eggs and plain greek yogurt are also good sources of protein.
4. Load up on healthy fats -
- Olive oil, coconut oil, ghee, nuts, egg yolks, grass-fed butter, avocado, and fats from wild-caught fatty fish and grass-fed animals
- This is not including fatty meats from grain fed animals, trans fats, and high omega 6 industrial oils (like canola, peanut, corn, etc.)
- Fat is important for the absorption of vitamins and minerals.
- Fat is crucial in satiety (the things that makes you feel full). It keeps you satisfied and adds flavor to food.
- Remember: fat is important!! It is high in calories, but don't be afraid of healthy fats because they are crucial to a healthy diet.
5. Sugars - LIMIT AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. This is key.
- Sugar messes with weight loss and provides empty calories.
- It is highly inflammatory to the body.
- Alternatives for me are using ripened bananas to sweeten foods or to consume whole fruit since it has fiber along with its high fructose content.
- Small amounts of raw honey or puremaple syrup are also good alternatives, but this should be as a treat.
- I do not drink soda.
6. Season your food -
- Spices, vinegars, and herbs are always welcomed to add flavor!
- Avoid condiments and sauces with added sugars and refined vegetable oils (find a better brand instead, or make you own!)
7. What I do NOT eat -
- Highly processed cereal grains (white flours, whole wheat flour, boxed cereals, & most packaged breads, cookies, etc.)
- Processed soy (tofu, soy protein, etc.)
- Refined and high-fructose sugar (white sugar, agave, etc.)
- Industrial seed oils (canola, corn, safflower, peanut, etc.)
Reference: Check out an article written by Chris Kresser, a highly recognized and established functional medicine practitioner here called "Beyond Paleo: Don't Eat Toxins".
Simply just eat real foods!
****** I am not certified in any health-related field. I am not giving medical advice, I am only sharing what worked for me!***********
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