Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Bee Food Philosophy

Start looking at the things you are putting in your mouth and ask yourself, "What is this doing for me?"

For a more specific list of "real foods" check out my posts here and here.

Just Eat Real Food

  • What you eat should actually BEE food. It shouldn't resemble food, it shouldn't take the place of food, and surely shouldn't be a mystery as to what it is. 
  • Stop looking at food as part of a "diet" and start looking at it as nutrition. As soon as you change the perspective of your dinner plate, the idea around your what you eat starts to change with it. 
  • Food is fuel for your body (and I don't mean just by calorie). It's the vitamins and minerals - all the good micronutrients - along with the macronutrients you need to be strong and healthy. It's your life source. 

1. Eat the right amount of carbohydrates for your goals, activity level, and body type - 

  • This does NOT imply you have to eat a low carb diet (although lowering your daily intake of  carbohydrates may result in weight loss)
  • Replace as much of the refined carbohydrates in your diet as possible with better choices - Most refined carbohydrates like pastas, breads, and baked desserts are usually highly processed and/or contain added sugars
  • My main sources of carbohydrate are starches, vegetables, fruit, and some sprouted breads and gluten free grains like quinoa

2. Eat your vegetables - 

  • Vegetables fall into two primary categories: starchy and non-starchy 
  • Eat as many leafy greens as you like, and be sure to add in plenty of other non-starchy veggies too! These are high in vitamins and add bulk to your diet. They help keep you full and add flavor, volume, and variety to your meals.
  • Steam, sauté, bake or roast them - the options are endless!

3. Get enough protein - 

  • Lean meat is a very important part of your diet. Chicken breast, turkey, lean beef, and seafood are great sources of protein. 
  • Eggs and plain greek yogurt are also good sources of protein.

4. Load up on healthy fats - 

  • Olive oil, coconut oil, ghee, nuts, egg yolks, grass-fed butter, avocado, and fats from wild-caught fatty fish and grass-fed animals
  • This is not including fatty meats from grain fed animals, trans fats, and high omega 6 industrial oils (like canola, peanut, corn, etc.)
  • Fat is important for the absorption of vitamins and minerals. 
  • Fat is crucial in satiety (the things that makes you feel full). It keeps you satisfied and adds flavor to food.
  • Remember: fat is important!! It is high in calories, but don't be  afraid of healthy fats because they are crucial to a healthy diet. 

5. Sugars - LIMIT AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. This is key. 

  • Sugar messes with weight loss and provides empty calories.
  • It is highly inflammatory to the body.
  • Alternatives for me are using ripened bananas to sweeten foods or to consume whole fruit since it has fiber along with its high fructose content. 
  • Small amounts of raw honey or puremaple syrup are also good alternatives, but this should be as a treat.
  • I do not drink soda.

6. Season your food - 

  • Spices, vinegars, and herbs are always welcomed to add flavor! 
  • Avoid condiments and sauces with added sugars and refined vegetable oils (find a better brand instead, or make you own!)

7. What I do NOT eat - 

  • Highly processed cereal grains (white flours, whole wheat flour, boxed cereals, & most packaged breads, cookies, etc.)
  • Processed soy (tofu, soy protein, etc.)
  • Refined and high-fructose sugar (white sugar, agave, etc.)
  • Industrial seed oils (canola, corn, safflower, peanut, etc.)

Reference: Check out an article written by Chris Kresser, a highly recognized and established functional medicine practitioner here called "Beyond Paleo: Don't Eat Toxins". 

Simply just eat real foods!

****** I am not certified in any health-related field. I am not giving medical advice, I am only sharing what worked for me!***********

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