Sunday, February 15, 2015

Optimal Food Choices

It's simple: Eat Real Food. 

I'm all about local, sustainable, organic, and highly nutritious foods. It's no secret that eating this way will make you feel great on the inside, and thus you may end up looking pretty good on the outside too!

Here is my list of optimal food choices: 

meat: lean, grass-fed otherwise organic (all parts, muscle meat, fat, organ meats, bone broths, and gelatin)

seafood: wild caught and sustainably fished, (fish, shellfish, and yes seaweed!)

dairy: organic, grass-fed, not fat-free, raw or lowest pasteurization possible (milk can even come un-homogenized too, meaning the fat will separate)

eggs: organic if not pasture-raised

oils: non-industrial, low omega-6 oils (avocado, coconut, sesame, and olive are good choices)

nuts and seeds: usually soaked and/or sprouted is best, otherwise raw - dry-roasted is fine, organic if possible (note: peanuts are a legume, not a nut!)

grains: soaked and/or sprouted if possible, organic if possible

legumes: soaked and/or sprouted if possible, organic if possible

vegetables: all - organic if possible (especially the dirty dozen), more non-starchy than starchy vegetables, especially a lot of dark and leafy greens

fruits: all - organic if possible (especially the dirty dozen), more low sugar like berries, kiwi, grapefruit, etc. than high sugar like pineapples, bananas, apples, and mangos, etc.

probiotics: kimchi, sauerkraut, yogurt, kefir, and other good quality fermented foods - must contain live and active cultures (found homemade or only in the refrigerator section of grocery stores)

sweeteners: local if possible raw honey, pure maple syrup, fruit (if dried or prepared - no added sugar)

soy: only only only organic and fermented soy products (ex: miso and tempeh)

extras: reliably sourced coffee, tea, spices, herbs, low sugar vinegars (apple cider, balsamic, white), bee pollen, 70%+ cacao products, raw cacao, sauces, condiments

flours: coconut flour, almond flour, arrowroot flour, and tapioca starch

fats: both coconut and avocado kind of fall into their own category - I eat both for good quality fat sources

******* I am not certified in any health-related field. I am not giving medical advice, I am only sharing what worked for me!***********

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