Sunday, February 22, 2015

Classic Snacks

The Balanced Bee"Go-To's"

For when you need a little pick-me-up between meals, a snack post-workout, or a late night fix to hold you until morning, these are classic pairings you can reach for:

 Fruit/Veggie + Almond Butter
    • Banana 
    • Carrots 
    • Apple
    • Celery

Fruit/Veggie + Coconut Butter
    • Banana 
    • Sweet Potato * especially good post workout

Fruit/Veggie + Protein Dip
    • Apple
    • Carrots
    • *Recipe for dip here*

Kefir Soaked Super Cereal + Berries

Greek Yogurt + Berries 
  • Optional: Add cinnamon, bee pollen, or chia seeds

  • Enjoy sliced or peeled!

My go-to packaged snack: Kind Bar (only Madagascar vanilla, ginger cashew, or dark chocolate sea salt)

But honestly, I make sure I'm not just thirsty first sometimes! 

So I'll make myself a coffee or have a glass of water before I decide if I want a snack. 

Happy Snacking :)


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