Monday, February 16, 2015

Creamy Apple Dip

Need a super easy, super delicious snack? Try this!

It is my go-to for something sweet, protein-packed, and satisfying. Paired with an apple or another carb source, it is a balanced snack with all three macronutrients: healthy fats, carbohydrates, and protein!


  1. Take a 1/4 to a 1/2 cup of plain greek yogurt - you can use coconut yogurt for a dairy-free option, but it will cut down the protein drastically
  2. Add 1 tbs of almond butter (or your other favorite nut butter)
  3. Mix and dip!


  • This can be eaten on its own, but i prefer it for dipping and spreading.
  • Try it with apples, carrots, and even celery!
  • Also add honey, cacao powder, or shaved dark chocolate to make this snack more like a dessert

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