Friday, March 6, 2015

Crumbled Blue Cheese Brussels

A winning combination...

Pictured here: About 10 frozen petite Brussels from Whole Foods, less than 1 tsp of Kerrygold butter, a turn of cracked black pepper and about 2 tbs of blue cheese crumbles (one serving)


Brussels Sprouts, fresh or frozen
(I used petite frozen Brussels Sprouts)

 (Grass-fed preferable - I like Kerrygold)

Blue Cheese Crumbles

Cracked Black Pepper, optional


  1. If the Brussels are....
    • fresh: sauté them in a skillet with butter until tender, or steam them and toss in just enough butter to lightly coat them
    • frozen: steam them according to directions (make sure to get rid of any excess water you may have added for steaming) and toss them in just enough butter to lightly coat them
  2. Top with cracked black pepper (optional, but delicious!) and blue cheese crumbles. The crumbles will get melty and the dish gets even tastier, mmmm!  

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